For Food & Beverage Lovers, there is an endless world of libations


Water is essential to all living creatures. Other beverages are not. I loved the taste of milk as a kid; that was the first beverage to catch my attention. As a young adult, coffee became my morning requirement. When the wine bug bit me, that is when my career in the beverage industry began. Along the way, I added microbrews and distilled spirits. Today, I embrace a diverse array of drinks.


Apart from drinking the right amount of water daily, my senses drive me to wine, coffee, microbrews, and spirits. So in the early 1970s, I learned how to look, swirl, sniff, and taste wines. That foundation set the groundwork for me to become a dedicated taster. My approach and workflow haven’t changed; I have been refining the process. Today, I am tasting more effectively than at any time.

In the science of tasting, there is a structure that few people see. I have been in tasting sessions where 100+ wines or spirits are ready to be assessed. The assignment can be difficult, especially when the samples are similar such as tasting tank samples for blending into the perfect blend. You may be asking, “Why such an elaborate process?” There is a reason for this.

Consumers expect consistency with their favorite brands. Early in my career, separating the wheat from chaff was easier. Today the science of producing alcoholic beverages, coffee, and other drinks has improved. Nevertheless, the job of evaluators is as arduous as ever. There are many more drinks to evaluate and rate, so I hope you follow me on my drinks research. While life begins with water, culinary adventurers have unlimited options. 


Wilfred Wong

Wilfred Wong, a wine professional for 50 years, is an extreme wine taster, writer, and photographer. He was a retailer for his family business—Ashbury Market, BevMo!, and most recently for Wong is Currently Chief Storyteller at, a wine critic for The Tasting Panel Magazine, and is involved in consulting with other wine industry entities.

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Traveling and discovering are educational equalizers adding to a fuller life experience


My journeys with coffee